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VIRTUAL workshop: Unblock & Balance Your Energy, Seven Chakras Saturday 11 Jan 2025

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VIRTUAL workshop: Unblock & Balance Your Energy, Seven Chakras Saturday 11 Jan 2025

Seven Chakras Virtual Workshop

Unblock & Balance Your Energy On-line Workshop

Spiritual Maintenance Club with Amy's Seven Chakras Workshop on Saturday 25 Jan 2025

Time: 10 ET NY until 2PM / 17- 21 EET Romania

If you don't see your time, use this link to find the corresponding time:

Early bird: 33 USD valid until 31 Dec 2024

as of 1 Jan Regular price: 47 USD

limited to 20 people maximum

You are more than flesh and bone. You are an energetic being. You are consciousness in a body. Your spark of life, your vital life force or prana makes your life possible on Earth. And prana depends on the seven primary chakras to facilitate its movement throughout your body. The seven primary chakras are essential to our well-being.

Each chakra has specific characteristics that correspond to different states of being from our base animal nature through our connection with the vast cosmos, the divine, and the ineffable. These subtle energetic forces are linked to specific glands in the body and when in balance can help us to balance our whole being body, mind and soul. 

To maintain a free flow of energy, it's crucial that we allow ourselves to feel and move through our emotions and that isn't always easy especially when we are undergoing change, experiencing regret or even denial of what is happening at the moment. Life can feel incredibly challenging at times. We can even repress or deny our feelings unconsciously, causing stagnant energy that can lead to emotional and even physical issues over time. 

Discover how unblocking and balancing your chakras can improve your well-being

That's why we're here today - to learn practical tools like meditation, yoga postures, and mudras that can help balance and clear our chakras.

By using these tools, we can connect our body, mind, and soul, creating more ease and balance in our lives. Plus, they're interesting and fun! Learning about the chakras may even inspire you to develop a daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly self-care practice where you consciously work on yourself. So, if you're on a yoga or spiritual journey, this workshop is for you. Join me as we explore the power of the chakras and discover the benefits of a balanced energy system.

By learning practical tools to balance and clear your chakras, you'll feel more connected to your body, mind, and soul. Part one covers the lower chakras and we touch on the heart. After a short break, we then pick up again at the heart and move through the upper chakras.

We'll uncover each chakras purpose, symbolism and characteristics. Then through the practice of yoga asanas aka postures, mantra (sound), mudra (hand gestures) and affirmations we will actively balance and unblock each chakra through a series of exercises.

In each session, you'll learn how to correctly come each yoga posture, the correct positioning of your hands in mudra, the proper pronunciation of each mantra and the affirmations associated with each chakra too. It's very practical and fun too!

You'll receive the digital version of the full colour workbook - The Seven Chakras Workbook: Connecting your body, mind and soul! Although you could purchase and use the workbook as a stand alone resource, the workshops provide a more interactive and in-depth learning experience with personalized guidance and support. Let's look at an example of how we can use this information.

You might notice one day that you feel out of balance and disconnected. You're overwhelmed with responsibility and you begin to disassociate or feel so disconnected that you have trouble getting anything done, you may be distracted and have feelings of unease. 

We have the tools to reconnect. Let's learn them and use them! After all, we may be spiritual beings but, we live on the Earthly plane. In this case, we'll want to get grounded and clear the Muladhara or root chakra.

In the workshop, we'll actively participate in a grounding exercise that you can use anytime you feel disconnected This exercise uses all the tools - yoga postures, affirmations, chanting mantra and mudra too, and it only takes a couple of minutes! Back in your body, you feel refreshed and can get back to living.

In addition to the practices that we learn, we'll discuss each chakra and causes of blockages. We will have time for questions too.

People of all genders and all spiritual paths are welcome to this event!

This workshop is facilitated by Amy Adams of the Spiritual Maintenance Club

Connect with Amy at https:/

What you'll need: an open heart and mind.

Add this event to your calendar or set a reminder on your phone. You won't want to miss it! You'll receive two reminder emails - one a few days before and one on Friday the day before

If you are purchasing this for a friend as a gift or you purchase the bring a friend offer be sure to add their email address.

Your local currency shown will be converted to US dollars and TVA will be added to your cart at checkout. Gumroad collects TVA and pays it to the governing body. They do it, so I don't have to and I get to focus on providing an amazing workshop instead of accounting. Here is a breakdown of costs.

Pricing before 31 December 2024

Early Bird $33 USD

Pricing from 1 January 2025

Regular price one seat - $47 USD

This product is not currently for sale.

Seven Charkras VIRTUAL workshop

One seat at the workshop
e-book: 7 Chakras Workbook
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Hey everyone here's the deal on refunds.

Last updated Jan 9, 2025